Getting Started

CXI Login screen

Create an Account

If this is your first visit, you will want to create an account. While non-securities offers (like charity, pre-sale and reward-based offers) can be viewed by all individuals even before logging in, this community-centric website also offers investment opportunities that can only be viewed by a registered investor.

My dashboard

My Dashboard

Once you have a user account and have successfully logged in, you will be redirected to an intuitive dashboard / overview page.

Your dashboard is a quick and easy way to navigate through your favorite sites as well as track your contributions and investments made to various offers.

Also from the dashboard, you can expand your investing capabilities by becoming an:

  • Investor - Allows for regulated* investing in securities-based offers
  • Accredited Investor - Allows for unrestricted investing
  • Issuer - Allows for posting a non-securities offer (charity, reward, pre-sale, etc.)
  • Certified Issuer - Also allows for the posting of securities-base offers

* State and/or federal laws may apply.

Getting started

Launching an Offer

We take a personal approach when it comes to posting offers on our site. Our goal is to help issuers achieve their funding goal through free assistance from one of our funding specialists. These specialists will be your coach throughout the funding process.

We also have some tips to help you successfully market your crowdfunding project. Click here for some of our online tips.

Investing in your community

Start Investing in Your Community

Supporting or investing in an offer could never be easier. Just follow these three easy steps:

  • Select a community and click on an offer of interest
  • Review the information the issuer has provided on the offer detail page
  • When ready, click the green "Support Now" button

You will be redirected to a secure payment site where you can choose the payment method of your choice: check, debit or credit.

NOTE: No secured information regarding your payment is stored on our site or even passed through our servers.

1031 Exchanges

Performing a 1031 Exchange

Looking to save your equity and avoid capital gains taxes that can diminish the value of your real estate investment?

Click on the 1031 Exchanges link in the header above to get started.